In a move to help disabled Americans secure employment or full-time employment, the federal government has allocated $21 million in grants to six of states. Already, nine other states have received similar funding as part of an Obama Administration initiative to move more disabled residents off of SSDI and SSI benefits and into rewarding employment opportunities.
The United States Department of Labor has asked the states to use the grants to provide “education, training and employment opportunities and outcomes” to those with disabilities who are seeking better employment, more employment, or even part-time work. In addition, the Labor Department has asked that some funds are dedicated to cone-stop career centers that serve all of those looking for a job to ensure that disabled people who visit the centers receive specialized services. Currently, it is not clear that those centers have workers who have the information and education needed to help the disabled find work.
This plan may be a step toward the growing issue of unemployed Americans applying for Social Security Disability benefits in the wake of the recession – those who are disabled but could work if they could find only the right employment opportunities.
by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.