Qualifying for Social Security disability benefits is not easy. Why? Because the tests that are applied are so subjective and the disabling conditions that affect the public too varied. To obtain benefits, you must prove to the Social Security Administration that you meet its definition of “disabled.” While the law defines “disability,” the definition does not provide us with a clear, bright-line test. There are many variables at play when it comes to assessing a health condition, and, as a result, the process of obtaining benefits can be cumbersome.
Fortunately, you do not have to navigate this process alone. An experienced attorney can help guide you through the steps towards qualifying for the benefits that you deserve. Where is a good place to start? We highly recommend that you review this helpful disability fact sheet prepared by Thomas R. Margenau, a Social Security Consultant and columnist. Mr. Margenau has kindly given us permission to republish this valuable report, and we now offer it to you at no charge. Inside, you will discover the following:
Key Differences Between SSDI and SSI
As you probably have discovered, there are in fact two different disability programs provided by the Social Security Administration. Understanding the differences between the two, and which program is appropriate for your individual situation, is crucial to your success. Review this report for helpful information about Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
How Disability Is Determined by the Social Security Administration
Whether you meet the Social Security Administration’s definition for disabled is the key factor to whether you will qualify for benefits. This report provides valuable information about the rules, factors, and considerations that apply to a determination of disability. Using this knowledge during the application process will help improve your chances of approval.
Valuable Tips on Filing for Disability Benefits
While anyone can initiate the process of filing for Social Security disability benefits, it is often a complex process. These helpful tips will aid you in obtaining the disability benefits that you need.
Social Security disability benefits are often a financial lifeline for recipients. The process for qualifying for these benefits may seem overwhelming. Fortunately, our free report can help get you started on the road to benefits.