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Mr. M contactedMorgan Weisbrod in July 2013 after he had grown tired of fighting SSA for his disability benefits that he was forced to apply for when he was only 45. Mr. M had been experiencing back pain and depression and in 2010 finally stopped working on orders from his doctor. When he realized he would not be able to return to work any time soon, he applied for Social Security disability benefits in 2012. After he received his first denial from SSA, even with his doctor’s supporting medical records, he contactedMorgan Weisbrod for help. Because Mr. M lives in a part of Texas that is not geographically close to any of the SSA hearing offices, he had to wait 22 months for his hearing to be scheduled. Morgan Weisbrod staff had to make numerous calls to SSA’s offices to complain about the unnecessary delays Mr. M was experiencing. Finally, a hearing was held and Mr. M was approved for disability benefits, winning over $120,000 in past due benefits.

43 months of past due benefits = $120,000

by John Driskill
Board Certified Houston Social Security Disability Lawyer


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