It can be frustrating to have a serious brain disorder such as epilepsy and to have your application for Social Security disability benefits denied. Before you decide what to do next, however, it is important to understand why your application was denied and whether you have a good chance of having that decision reversed should you apply for reconsideration or appeal.
Five Things to Consider Before Deciding Whether You Should Appeal
As you decide what to do next, think about whether you provided the Social Security Administration all of the information that it needed to make an accurate determination, such as:
- Complete medical records including your doctor’s diagnosis, a description of your seizures, the results of an EEG, and your treatment history that includes the specific medications that you have taken and the dates that you have taken them.
- Evidence that you have taken the medication as prescribed. This may include blood tests to confirm that you’ve taken the prescription drugs and other information that documents that you took the medication according to your doctor’s instructions and stayed away from alcohol and drugs while on the medication.
- Descriptions of your seizures from third party witnesses who may have seen them.
- Information about your work history.
- Complete biographical information as required on the SSA’s Social Security disability application.
If any of this information was missing or incorrect when you first filed for Social Security disability, you should consider an appeal.
Don’t Appeal Alone
You have the right to work with a Social Security disability lawyer when submitting an initial application or when appealing a denial of benefits. For more information on your rights and on protecting your right to appeal, please read our FREE report, Social Security Disability: What You Need to Know or contact us using our live chat to discuss your specific situation.

by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.