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On May 12, 2013 Paul Burkhalter and John Driskill (partners of Morgan & Weisbrod, L.L.P.) had the pleasure of being sworn in as members of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.  This is quite an honor for them and the firm.  On this day, eight of the nine justices were present and three decisions were announced.  A brief summary of the key facts of the case and key legal principles involved were read out loud by the Justice that authored each opinion.

A motion was read by Debbie Shifrin, President of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR), and Paul and John stood as their names were called.  The motion was approved by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Oath was given by the Clerk of the Court.

The Supreme Court still holds many time-honored traditions.  For example, the Clerk of the Court and any attorneys representing the U.S. Government must wear a formal morning coat (i.e. tails) while the Court is in session.  Also, there are no electronic devices of any type allowed in the Court room at any time — even if the justices are not present. The justices believe that honoring such traditions helps remind them of the importance of the work they do.

The picture below shows Paul (L) and John (R) in the East Conference Room before the ceremony.  The painting is of John Marshall, 4th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

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Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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