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You or your loved ones may have certain thoughts about welfare. Whether or not you are in favor of government support for low-income individuals and families, you do not want to be seen as accepting welfare. You don’t want to take a handout, and you do not want others to view you as a charity case.

But Social Security disability is not welfare. Instead, Social Security disability benefits are provided to qualifying individuals who have paid into the Social Security system. If you have not worked and paid Social Security taxes, you are not be eligible to obtain Social Security disability benefits—regardless of your disability or financial need.

Use the Benefits You’ve Paid For

You would not forego an auto insurance settlement if you were hurt in a car accident, and you would not fail to use the health insurance you’ve purchased. You paid for these types of insurance to protect yourself from the potential financial harm of being hurt in an accident or getting sick. Social Security disability works the same way—it is the insurance that you paid for to help you maintain an income if your disability prevents you from working.

There Is No Stigma Attached to Social Security Disability

Social Security disability benefits can be a lifesaver if you are disabled and unable to work. Do you want to learn more? Take a few minutes to peruse the articles on this web site or download a complimentary copy of our Social Security Disability Fact Sheet. And if this blog post helped you, share it with your friends on Facebook to help spread the word about what Social Security Disability benefits really are—and what they are not.

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Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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