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You are counting on the financial assistance that Social Security disability may provide you. The last thing you need is for an illegal scammer to take advantage of you by stealing your benefits, your identity, or your assets. Unfortunately, some scammers are seeking to do just that.

Don’t Give Out Any Information Over the Phone

A person posing as a Social Security disability representative may call you and ask you to verify information such as your Social Security number or bank account number over the phone.

Don’t do it.

The Social Security Administration will never ask for this kind of information over the phone or by text. In fact, the Social Security Administration recommends that you take the following actions if you receive such as phone call:

  • Refuse to provide any information.
  • Refuse to provide payment if the caller claims that you have been overpaid.
  • Call the Social Security Fraud Hotline and the FTC to report the call.

Additionally, you should not respond to an email that looks to be from the Social Security Administration until you have verified that it came from the Social Security Administration. You can do this by contacting the Social Security Administration directly.

You can also protect yourself by checking your disability statements to make sure they are accurate and by getting regular copies of your credit report to make sure that your identity has not been stolen. If your disability statement is incorrect, you should contact the Social Security Administration directly. If your credit report is incorrect, you should contact the credit bureaus promptly.

Remember, the Social Security Administration will contact you or your Social Security disability lawyer by mail if the agency has any questions or needs to verify any information. Do not respond to a phone call or text—even if it appears to be legitimate. The consequences can be financially catastrophic. Instead, make sure that you only provide personal information in a confidential and secure way that will protect your identity, your finances, and your Social Security disability benefits.

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Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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