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If you claim that you have a disabling heart condition that qualifies you for Social Security disability benefits, the Social Security Administration is going to require that you prove you have a qualifying disability. The results of your cardiovascular tests are important pieces of evidence you will need to provide to support your application for disability benefits.

What Cardiovascular Tests Are Important?

Some of the cardiovascular tests that are commonly evaluated with Social Security disability application include:

  • ECGs. ECG stands for electrocardiograph or electrocardiogram. These tests measure and record the electrical impulses of your heart. An ECG may be used to diagnose an ischemia, an arrhythmia, or another type of heart abnormality.
  • ETTs. ETT stands for exercise tolerance test. This kind of test is used for many different reasons including diagnosing myocardial ischemia and estimating maximum aerobic capacity if you have heart disease.
  • Drug induced stress tests. These are primarily used when you cannot exercise and cannot participate in an ETT. These tests can provide information about things like myocardial infarction and the function of your heart chambers.

Other imaging tests will also be evaluated as part of your application, together with your medical records that include your diagnosis and treatment plan.

Cardiovascular Tests Are Just Part of the Medical Evidence You Need to Complete a Social Security Disability Application

Your entire medical record and other evidence about your functional capacity, your ability to perform activities of daily living, your work history, and your education are going to be relevant to your Social Security disability application.

Our board certified Social Security disability lawyers can help you gather all the information you need and present it in your application. It is important to have all of the evidence you need when you submit your initial application so that you don’t face a delay in getting disability benefits. To learn more, please read our FREE report, Social Security Disability: What You Need to Know¸ or contact us directly to schedule a meeting with us.

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Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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