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You have finally heard back from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Your application for Social Security disability benefits has been denied. You are understandably upset, angry, and scared. As you struggle with these emotions, however, it is important to know that your fight to obtain Social Security disability benefits is not over yet. The next step is to start the SSA’s appeal process by filing a Request for Reconsideration.

What You Can Do

As the term reconsideration suggests, you are asking the SSA to take another look at your Social Security disability application. The SSA will assign a new medical consultant and claim examiner to review and decide upon your application. It is important that you make the most of this stage of the appeal process; if your application is approved, you will begin to receive benefit payments. To that end, you should:

  • Comply with 60-day deadline. You have 60 days to file your request, plus five days to allow for mailing. The sooner you file, the sooner you will get an answer and the sooner you will be able to take the next step, which could be getting the benefits you deserve or moving on to the next level of the appeals process.
  • Submit the most up-to-date information you have to support your application. Chances are that a significant amount of time has passed since you turned in your application for benefits. Be sure to send in your updated medical records and any new information about your conditions or your ability to work.
  • Submit any documentation you have that argues against your denial of benefits. If you send in the exact same claim, don’t be surprised when you get the exact same results. Make sure you know why your claim was denied and try to provide an explanation or extra evidence to clear up the misunderstanding.

These steps may help your reconsideration case, but do not be discouraged if your request for reconsideration is denied.

This Isn’t Over Yet

Many requests for reconsideration are denied. If yours is one of them, you should talk to a Social Security disability lawyer about whether it makes sense for you to go to the next stage of appeal, which would likely be a hearing before an administrative law judge.

It is worth the fight to continue to pursue a Social Security disability appeal. If you would like help doing that, please do not hesitate to start an online chat with us today or to schedule a meeting with one of our experienced lawyers.

Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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