Whether you suffer from an aortic aneurysm in your chest or an aortic aneurysm in you abdomen, your life is at risk. The aorta—the largest artery in your body—is bulging. The force of the blood pumping through your aorta can cause one of two life threatening conditions. The blood could leak through the artery wall or the aorta could burst. Doctors may be trying to treat your condition with medication (to lower your blood pressure) or with surgery (to fix the aorta). However, you may be unable to work.
Social Security Disability May Be an Option for You
The Social Security Administration specifically includes aortic aneurysms in the Blue Book Listing of Impairments. Section 4.10 of the Listing of Impairments makes people who suffer aortic aneurysms that occur for any cause eligible for Social Security disability if they can prove that they have:
- An aortic aneurysm with appropriate medical imaging. An MRI, a CT scan, an ultrasound, or another type of medical imaging should accompany your diagnosis and be presented to the Social Security Administration as part of your application.
- Dissection that is not controlled with medication. An aneurysm is dissecting when the inner lining of the artery begins to separate from the artery wall. This can result in bleeding and heart failure, kidney failure, or neurological problems. The Social Security Administration considers the dissection uncontrolled by medication if you have chest pain because of the dissection, if the aneurysm increases in size, or if one of the branches from the aorta to the heart, kidneys, brain, or other organs is compressed.
If you do not meet the requirements of Section 4.10, you may still qualify for Social Security disability benefits if you:
- Meet the requirements of another listing. This may apply if you are suffering from kidney failure, heart failure or neurological issues, for example.
- Are unable to work. The Social Security Administration will consider your residual functional capacity and whether your condition prevents you from earning an income.
You will need to submit medical documentation of your disability as part of your application regardless of how you apply for benefits.
Social Security Disability Is Not Automatic
In addition to the required medical documentation, your application for benefits must be complete. The Social Security Administration may deny you benefits for even a small error.
Do not let this happen to you. Instead, fight for the benefits you deserve with the help of a board certified Social Security disability lawyer. Contact us today via this website or by phone to learn more about your rights and about filing for benefits.

by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.