To find out if you are eligible, contact the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) lawyers at Morgan & Weisbrod, LLP in Dallas and Houston, Texas, today. We provide effective legal advice to disabled people.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), also known as Title XVI benefits, is based on financial need. It is a welfare-type benefit. It is designed to provide income for elderly, blind, and disabled people who have little or no income and do not have a work history that would qualify them for SSDI benefits. SSI benefits provide income to meet the basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
Many SSI recipients have never worked or have not worked enough to qualify for SSDI.
You may be able to receive SSI benefits based on your income in addition to SSDI benefits, based on your disability. In these cases, you would receive checks from both programs each month.
Our attorneys can help you apply for SSI or apply at the same time for SSI and SSDI benefits.
To learn more about your options, please contact our Social Security Disability law firm today.
From offices in Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston, the Social Security Disability Claims attorneys of Morgan & Weisbrod, LLP help disabled people throughout Texas receive the disability benefits they deserve. Cities we serve include Tyler, Longview, Austin, El Paso, Lubbock, San Antonio, Waco, Amarillo, Bryan, College Station, Angleton, Galveston, Sugar Land, Beaumont, Arlington, Irving, Denton, McKinney, Plano, Carrollton, Amarillo, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, and Abilene.
by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.