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Survivor’s guilt is a common and understandable response when your fellow servicemembers have been badly hurt or killed. You may experience feelings of self-blame, unworthiness, loneliness, and depression. You may have difficulty sleeping, you may be angry, you may withdraw from others, you may have difficulty concentrating, and you may have other problems that interfere with your daily activities and your ability to do your job.

All of these feelings are normal and can be processed with the help of therapy and other treatments.

But First You Need to Seek Help

You may be suffering not only from survivor’s guilt, but also from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues arising from your military service. You should talk to a doctor about all of your symptoms.

And You Should Find Out If Veterans’ Disability Benefits May Be an Option for You

You may be eligible for veterans’ disability benefits if you suffered an injury or illness during your service or if a previous condition was made worse by your service. In order to get veterans’ disability benefits you must apply by completing VA Form 21-526, Veterans Application for Compensation and/or Pension. When you complete this form, you should be prepared to provide information about your condition, about your service, and about your discharge. You may be asked to submit to an examination with a doctor at a VA hospital before the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) makes a determination about your eligibility and about your benefits.

It saves you time and stress to get your application right the first time. If you have medical conditions like PTSD or survivor’s guilt and would like to apply for veterans’ disability benefits, we can help. Our experienced lawyers will work hard to get your application approved. Please contact our veterans’ disability attorneys via this website or by phone to set up a confidential meeting at your convenience. We look forward to helping you during this difficult time.

Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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