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Yes, you can apply for social security disability while you’re in a rehab facility. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not have any restriction on where you are living at the time you file for Social Security disability benefits, and you may file for Social Security disability while you are in a rehabilitation facility.

That said, your concern is likely that you are in a rehabilitation facility in order to make continued medical improvements. It is important that you continue your treatment and improve to the maximum extent possible. If, according to your doctors, you are likely to recover enough that you can go back to work and your daily activities, you may not be eligible for Social Security disability and an application may not be worth your time.

However, Rehab Won’t Always Allow You to Fully Recover

Instead, while you may be making some progress in rehabilitation therapy, if your prognosis remains the same, you may be considered permanently disabled. The following conditions may qualify you for benefits:

  • Your condition is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death.
  • Your condition prevents you from working or engaging in substantial gainful activity.
  • You have paid enough into the Social Security system to qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

If you believe that you will continue to be eligible for Social Security disability after your rehabilitation therapy is completed, you can apply for benefits at any time—even while you are still in rehab.

For more information about the Social Security disability application process and for help getting started with your own application, please start a live chat with us today.

Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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