After a long, hard-fought battle, my client with Crohn’s Disease finally won her case that granted her benefits all the way back to October 2006. She received six and a half years’ worth of past-due disability benefits.
In her 20’s, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease – a devastating condition that caused her severe stomach pain, constant diarrhea, constipation, and occasional nausea and vomiting. Understandably, the intensity and unrelenting nature of her symptoms eventually led her to become severely depressed. She was originally denied mental health disability benefits by an Administrative Law Judge in 2008, but persistence paid off. After I successfully appealed her case, we went to a hearing with a different judge who fully granted her case. She is finally receiving the financial and medical assistance she so urgently needed.
7 years of past due benefits (over $35,000)
Posted on 03/22/2018
Social Security Disability Eligibility for Bullous Diseases
Posted on 03/16/2018
How to Prepare an SSDI Application If You Have Hemophilia
Posted on 03/13/2018
Common Questions in a Social Security Disability Hearing
Office Location
Dallas Office
11551 Forest Central Drive Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75243
Phone: 214-373-3761
Toll Free: 800-800-6353
Download Our Firm's vCardLocation Details
Posted on 10/16/2017
Social Security COLA Increase in 2018
Posted on 10/05/2017
Meals for the Mind in Dallas
Posted on 02/23/2017
Laura Hernandez Elected President of Regional Disability Attorney Organization