A gastrointestinal bleed or hemorrhage can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. There are numerous causes of GI bleeds including ulcers, chronic liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and other conditions. These conditions can be serious on their own and they can result in dangerous gastrointestinal hemorrhaging that results in its own disabling medical condition.
Qualifying for Social Security Disability
There are several different ways that you may qualify for Social Security disability if you experience gastrointestinal hemorrhaging. Specifically, you may be eligible for benefits if you:
- Experience gastrointestinal hemorrhaging and require blood transfusions consistent with Section 5.02 in the Blue Book Listing of Impairments. You may qualify pursuant to this section of the Blue Book if you’ve required a blood transfusion of at least two units of blood per transfusion at least three times during six consecutive months because of your GI bleeds. Additionally, the transfusions must be at least 30 days apart within the six month period. This will be considered a disability for one year from the date of your last transfusion. After that your continued eligibility will be determined based on your underlying medical condition.
- Have another medical condition that meets the requirements in the Blue Book Listing of Impairments. If your underlying medical condition is listed in the Blue Book and you meet the requirements for that listing, you may be eligible for Social Security disability.
- Are permanently disabled and lack the residual capacity to work. A permanent disability is one that is expected to last for 12 months or more or to result in death. If this applies to you and you are unable to engage in substantial gainful activity due to your disability then you should be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.
However you qualify for benefits, you will need to present a convincing disability application to the Social Security Administration. This will include the results of your diagnostic tests, a record of your hospitalizations, a description of your treatment plan, information about your response to the treatment plan, and other medical records.
Be Prepared Before You File for Social Security Disability Benefits
The majority of initial Social Security disability applications are denied. Your application will be denied if there are any technical errors or missing documentation. This will cause an unnecessary delay in receiving benefits.
A board-certified Social Security disability lawyer may be able to prevent this from happening to you. Our lawyers know what the social Security Administration is looking for and, if you qualify for benefits, we will provide an accurate, complete, and compelling Social Security disability application on your behalf. To learn more, please start a live chat with us now or call us today to schedule an initial consultation.

by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.