After leaving UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas with a diagnosis of a brain tumor, you are likely terrified and overwhelmed. Brain tumors result when masses of abnormal cells occur within the brain. These tumors can be either benign or malignant. Your physician will work to determine which category your brain tumor falls under, meaning it is either cancerous or non-cancerous. While learning that a brain tumor is non-cancerous is certainly comforting, the tumor may still substantially impair your ability to function in your daily life. In some cases, it may even be life threatening.
Three Ways to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits Due to a Benign Brain Tumor
Fortunately, Social Security disability benefits may help to ease the burden that a benign brain tumor creates on your life. There are three ways to qualify for these benefits. Each of these methods is outlined below.
- Meet the requirements for the benign brain tumor listing. Benign brain tumors are a specific listing in the Social Security Administration’s “Blue Book.” According to the terms under the listing, the applicant for Social Security disability benefits must show that he meets the requirements for various other impairment listings such as seizures, strokes, speech problems, loss of hearing, or mental disorders.
- Equal the requirements for the benign brain tumor listing. If your benign brain tumor is severe but you are unable to meet all of the requirements for a brain tumor under the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book, you may be eligible for benefits if you can demonstrate that you “equal a listing.” In order to equal a listing, you must show that your benign brain tumor impairs your ability to function in a similar way to another Social Security Administration listing, and that the impairment is equal to the other listing in both duration and severity.
- Demonstrate that you are unable to work due to the benign brain tumor. When a benign brain tumor is severe but will not qualify for disability benefits under the meet a listing or equal a listing options, you may still be eligible if you can demonstrate your inability to work. You must prove to the Social Security Administration that you are unable to do many work activities due to your impairment.
Obtaining disability benefits is not an easy process. Fortunately, we are here to help. To learn more, visit our client testimonials page today.
by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.
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