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You don’t pay a fee for a disability attorney until you win benefits. When you do win, the fee for your disability lawyer doesn’t come out of your pocket, but from a one-time payment you get for accumulated back pay.

Help You Need to Steady Your Life & How You Can Afford It

How do you get help with your Social Security Disability benefits application when you’re struggling with your health, you can’t work, and you’re running out of money?

This is what Social Security Disability lawyers do. They make a difficult process easier, fight against denials from Social Security, and guide you with care toward benefits that let you live a fuller, less stressful life.

But how much does a Social Security Disability lawyer cost?

Good news: It’s free to hire a lawyer and have a lawyer work on your disability claim. You only pay an attorney fee when you win benefits.

Even then, you never pay a disability attorney fee directly out of your pocket.

If you work with the Texas disability lawyers at Morgan & Weisbrod, you get these advantages without paying a dime:

  • A disability law team on your case that has helped thousands of people
  • Disability attorneys with combined experience of more than 80 years
  • Lawyers who are board certified in disability law (which is rare)

We have teams in Dallas-Fort Worth and we serve people anywhere in Texas.

See below why you don’t have to worry about how much an attorney can charge for help with Social Security Disability. And get in touch with us to help open a better chapter in your life.

How Much Does a Social Security Disability Lawyer Get Paid? Breaking It Down.

The exact amount a Social Security Disability lawyer gets paid changes depending on the amount you get paid.
This is how the system works:

  • You pay nothing to get your lawyer started on your claim: Under Social Security rules, disability lawyers cannot charge up-front fees. So if one tells you that, don’t accept it. You don’t pay anything while your lawyer works on your case.
  • Your lawyer gets paid when you win: Before your lawyer can receive any payment, you must first win your disability benefits.
  • When your lawyer gets paid, it doesn’t come directly from you: You won’t (or absolutely shouldn’t) be asked to write a check for your lawyer’s fee from your own bank account. Your attorney’s fee doesn’t come out of your monthly benefits, either. In rare situations, you may have other expenses you have to pay directly, but never your lawyer’s fee.
  • Social Security deducts your attorney’s charge from back benefits: Social Security will take care of paying your lawyer using money from a one-time payment of back benefits that you receive. They’ll take out the money for the lawyer and send you the rest. You get back benefits to make up for the months, or maybe longer, that you spent waiting on Social Security’s decision while you were qualified for benefits.
  • The amount they get from your back benefits is also limited. Your back benefits don’t get eaten up by the attorney fee. Far from it. Your lawyer cannot receive more than 25 percent of your back benefits. And if 25 percent equals quite a lot, Social Security applies a maximum dollar limit, which it adjusts over time. In that case you pay less than 25 percent. So the size of your back benefits decide exactly what your lawyer receives.

Another service of your Social Security Disability lawyer is completely free: talking to us to get an evaluation of your case and what it will involve.

You might have heard of lawyers who charge their clients just to talk on the phone. Those aren’t Social Security Disability lawyers.

Tell us at Morgan & Weisbrod about your situation and needs, and let’s see if we can help you reach a more stable and livable financial future.

What You Get From a Social Security Disability Lawyer (Before You Pay a Fee)

The Social Security Disability process is overly complicated. They have thousands of rules you have to meet, partly because they’re trying to stop people from wrongly getting benefits.

But that makes deserving people go through many steps and obstacles to get needed financial relief.

Your Social Security Disability attorney relieves the strain of applying for benefits. Morgan & Weisbrod lawyers help you:

  • Fill out complicated Social Security forms correctly
  • Collect medical evidence and other supporting documents
  • Steer you clear of mistakes that often get people denied
  • File your appeal if you’re denied—a much more complex process
  • Update your Social Security file with new evidence and arguments for your appeal
  • Prepare you to testify to a Social Security Disability judge
  • Stand by you in your disability hearing
  • Cross-examine medical and vocational experts who may testify about you
  • Appeal your case to higher levels if that’s what it takes

But here’s an even bigger thing a disability lawyer can do for you: improve your chances of winning benefits.

One government study found that people who had representatives like lawyers with them in their disability hearings were nearly three times more likely to be awarded benefits.

When you weigh how much a Social Security Disability lawyer costs with the fact that you don’t pay out of your pocket, and you might get a better chance of winning benefits in the first place, you’re not risking much by calling an attorney.

And when you have a Texas disability attorney from Morgan & Weisbrod, you also get someone to personally care for your case. In a difficult government process, that can be priceless.

Talk to us to pursue disability benefits, financial relief and brighter outlook.

Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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