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While the ultimate goal of both a vocational expert and a vocational analyst is the same –objectively examining your potential for performing previous jobs or adjusting to a new type of job – the role of each in the determination process is different. An experienced Houston disability attorney knows how to best present information to each of these professionals. But let’s give a brief overview of what they do and where they fit into the process.

The Vocational Analyst

The vocational analyst is a specialized disability examiner employed by Social Security to work alongside the regular claims examiner assigned to your case at Disability Determination Services.

The analyst’s role is to evaluate your capacity to work based on your work history, impairments, and educational background. They’ll do this, in part, by consulting with the Department of Labor’s reference manual, The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT).

The Vocational Expert

The vocational expert, or VE, is an expert witness contracted on an as-needed basis by the Social Security administration to give testimony at disability claim appeal hearings. The administrative law judge asks the VE explicit, but hypothetical, questions about the kind of work that could be done by a person with the same type of impairments and prior work history.

Effectively cross-examining vocational experts could mean the difference between approval and denial when appealing a Social Security disability benefits denial. To learn more about how a knowledgeable Houston disability benefits attorney could serve your interests, call 800-800-6353or fill out our online form. Also be sure to request a free copy of our informative book, Social Security Disability: What You Need to Know.

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Morgan Weisbrod  LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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