You may have heard the statistics. The majority of initial Social Security disability applications are denied. In order to have your Social Security disability application approved, it must be credible and it must be completed fully.
But That Doesn’t Mean You Have to Tell the Social Security Administration Everything
Certain factors are irrelevant to your Social Security disability claim and should not be included in your application or discussed at hearing. These things include your:
- Assets. You may have saved or invested your income wisely over the years, and these assets are not considered when the Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews your disability application.
- Spouse’s employment status. Your spouse’s income is not a factor in your bid to obtain Social Security disability.
- Inheritance. You can inherit money or assets without it having any effect on your Social Security application.
- Income that you receive from private disability insurance. You have the right to receive benefits from private disability insurance (if you qualify) and from the SSA (if you qualify) without the private disability insurance impacting your Social Security eligibility or benefits.
- Gifts from family or friends. You may accept gifts from friends or family without it having any effect on your Social Security disability eligibility.
These things will not keep you from being eligible for Social Security disability and should not prevent you from obtaining benefits.
Social Security disability eligibility depends on whether you have a disability, whether you can engage in substantial gainful activity (work), and whether you have paid enough into the Social Security system to qualify for benefits. Your assets, gifts, private insurance, or income from your family that does not come from your work are not a consideration because Social Security disability is not a need-based program.
To find out more about qualifying for Social Security disability, please download a free copy of our Social Security Disability Fact Sheet , or start an online chat with us today. We would be happy to schedule an individual meeting with you and to provide you with more information about your claim.

by Paul B. Burkhalter Managing Partner of Morgan Weisbrod , Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.