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While it is important to have sufficient medical reasons in order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, it is equally important to ensure that your application meets all of the technical criteria for eligibility. An application for benefits can be denied based on these technicalities just as quickly easily as it can be denied for medical reasons. This is known as a “technical denial.” If your application is denied for technical reasons, the Social Security Administration typically has not even reviewed your medical evidence.

What are the common reasons for a technical denial for applicants for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income? The following is an overview.

You make too much money.

Applicants who are currently employed and make more than the “substantial gainful activity” limit will be denied for both Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, and Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, benefits. The limit for 2014 for people suffering from blindness is $1,800, and $1,070 for those with sight.

You just got started in the work force.

To be eligible for SSDI, applicants must have worked long enough to have contributed enough money to the Social Security system. Contributions are made through payroll deductions directly to the system. The number of years that you need to have worked depends upon your age.

It’s been a while since you had a job.

An SSDI application will be denied for technical reasons if you have not worked in recent years. Your disability has to have been determined before the date you were last insured. Once you stop paying into the Social Security system, coverage lapses after a certain amount of time. Currently, this date is the date you were last insured. Typically, you must have worked five out of the last ten years.

You have too many assets.

In order to be eligible for SSI, applicants cannot exceed the proscribed asset limits. This means that in addition to not exceeding the income limitations, you also cannot have too many assets in your name.

Before you begin the application process, take care that you are meeting all of the requisite technical requirements. To learn more about ensuring that your Houston SSDI or SSI application is not denied sign up for our helpful monthly newsletters today.

Morgan & Weisbrod LLP

by Paul B. Burkhalter
Managing Partner of Morgan & Weisbrod, Board Certified in Social Security Disability Law.


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